Award in Recognition of an Academic Career Dedicated to Propolis Research

Prof. Dr. Jairo Kenupp Bastos’s Award and Profa. Maria Cristina Marcucci’s Award

Profa. Dra. Maria Cristina Marcucci’s Award

We are honored to introduce the Profa. Dra. Maria Cristina Marcucci Award, a tribute to the distinguished academic career of Dr. Maria Cristina Marcucci, whose dedication to propolis research has made her a prominent figure in the field within Brazil. Her contributions have significantly advanced our understanding and applications of propolis, inspiring generations of researchers.

In recognition of her outstanding legacy, the Scientific Committee will present this award to the best poster and oral presentation by undergraduate and graduate students at the 4th International Propolis Conference.

Graduated in Chemistry and a PhD in Sciences from the State University of Campinas (IQ-Unicamp). Postdoctoral fellowship at Unicamp. Postdoctoral fellowship at the CEBAS, Murcia, SCIC, Spain. Senior internship at the University of Murcia (Spain) in 2014 and 2019, the latter with a scholarship from the Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia. She is a collaborating professor in the Oral Biopathology Program at the Faculty of Dentistry at UNESP in São José dos Campos. She had 153 published articles (h-index of 45), participated in the INCT-if network (CNPq) in the area of Natural Products, member of the technical-scientific committee of ISO international and ABNT for bee products. Considered one of the 100,000 most influential scientists in the world, PLos Bio, 2020 and by Elsevier Data Repository in 2023. Among these 100,000 most influential scientists in the world, two percent of them are at the top, among which she is included, according to Elsevier Data Repository: October 2023 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators”.

Prof. Dr. Jairo Kenupp Bastos’ Award

We are pleased to announce the Award in Recognition of an Academic Career Dedicated to Propolis Research, in honor of the esteemed Prof. Dr. Jairo Kenupp Bastos. Prof. Bastos has been recognized as the leading researcher in the number and quality of publications on propolis over the last 20 years (according to Prof. Dr. Ali Timuçin in his presentation done in the 3rd International Propolis Conference held in Istambul following scientific criteria), a distinction that has inspired the creation of this award.

This award will be granted to the best oral presentation at the Congress, standing out for its excellence, regardless of the presenter’s academic level.

Full Professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (FCFRP-USP); B.S. in Pharmacy, Federal Fluminense University of Rio de Janeiro; Master and Ph.D. in organic chemistry of natural Products by the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo; Postdoctoral position at the National Center for the Research and Development of Natural Products – the University of Mississippi-USA under the supervision of Dr. James D. McChesney. Affiliations: Brazilian Society of Pharmacognosy, American Society of Pharmacognosy. Holder of 1A CNPQ productivity scholarship. Web of Science: 370 papers; 7700 citations; IH= 48.

Evaluation Criteria for both awards:

The Scientific Committee of the Congress will be responsible for reviewing all oral presentations throughout the event. The evaluation criteria will include:

Scientific content presented

Originality of the work

Technical and didactic quality of the presentation

Aesthetic appeal and clarity of the slides

"Professor Vassya Bankova, Young Researcher Award" Will Find Its Owner!

Professor Vassya Bankova’s name is known around the world as the leading researcher into the chemistry of propolis. Vassya has published over 200 papers on propolis over a period of 45 years. She has received awards in many countries for her acknowledged expertise, including the Elsevier Award for excellence in Global Research. This award recognised Vassya’s achievement in developing the uniquely talented and innovative research group at the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in her native Sofia, Bulgaria. Professor Bankova is a founder member of the International Propolis Research Group

First – submit your abstract or poster in the usual way for consideration by the Scientific Board of the IPRG.

Second – email the following information to
A copy of your abstract or poster with a note telling us briefly (no more than 100 words) about your interest in and work with propolis.

Please also send us your curriculum vitae (no more than one side of A4 please)

The Award will cover the following expenses – registration, agreed accommodation and travel.

Who can Apply for the AWARD

The Award is open to any young person - 35 years old or under - anywhere in the world who is presenting an abstract or poster for the IPRG conference.

The abstract or poster submitted may explore any aspect of propolis research whether it be its role in the beehive or its chemistry, pharmacology, or therapeutic use.

Abstract Submission Deadline:

30th October 024

Notification of Accepted Abstracts:

15th November 2024